From CTU Circular 1991/65, Resolution of Affiliates Meeting, 18 April 1991:
THIS SPECIAL MEETING AUTHORISES THE NEW NATIONAL EXECUTIVE to explore the feasibility of, and if realistic to initiate:
- ...
- the organisation of a "Business Roundtable Experimental Test". The activity would be built on the BRT premise that workers were living beyond their means and consuming too much. To see if the austerity route to economic recovery would work in one specific case, workers could stop consuming the products of one leading BRT company for six weeks, and see if this helped the company become more export focused and more internationally competitive.
There's only one thing better than paging through interesting unpublished records, and that's coming across passages in them that make you laugh. It's even more awesome when you're laughing for the same reason that the original authors would have laughed when they wrote it - sharing a joke across the decades.
I have an outline. Concerningly, it has nine sections including the bookends. Each section in the body (except the first) is derived from a key area of theory we've looked at during the course:
- Narrative
- Evidence of awareness of political opportunity structure
- Evidence of organisational resource mobilisation
- Evidence of awareness of shared identity
- Evidence of use of cultural resources
- Evidence of impact on wider culture of society
- Evidence of impact on policy
There is, in fact, evidence of all of these things in the material I've collected. Writing it should be fun if I'm able to spend enough time on it. I'm using Kelsey (The New Zealand Experiment) as my key source for contextual material, which should be even more fun.
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