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Friday, May 2, 2008

You were right, it was perfect

I struck gold. It was exhausting.

The files contain every memorandum sent from CTU head office to the affiliated unions from the very beginning. There are notices of meeting and financial matters and job ads and minutes and conference-related things, but there are also resolutions, statements, press releases, discussion papers, manuals, guidelines, reports...

It's exactly what I was hoping for. It's more than I was hoping for. This morning I spent four and a half hours in the reading room at the Alexander Turnbull, and next week I'll have to do at least that much again. It takes around an hour to page through one folder, note the numbers of all the interesting circulars, select the four or five most relevant, mark them for copying and record them on the copy request form. It's pretty labour-intensive stuff, and I don't even get any benefit until at least Wednesday (photocopying must be labour-intensive too).

Today I incurred a photocopying bill of $28, which covers 1988-1991. Just as well I give myself a vastly inflated "study-related" budget every year.

The journal? Handed it in with only four articles. Filled with delusions of catching up after I've finished researching.

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