Handed in the assignment at 9 am, and shortly afterwards was annoyed to note that I'd written "determinant" where I meant "discriminant". After correcting a small error in my use of the chain rule I thought I'd done all the fixing necessary, but I didn't really bother re-reading my actual words.
Then there was a lecture. It was on separation of variables, the technique which we didn't get to yesterday. And assignment 7 came back; I got 18.5/20, equal to my record high mark for assignment 1, and the second time in this course that my mark has increased from one week to the next. [I've worked out what's wrong with this DE part of the course: there aren't enough theorems to prove.]
Then it was the end of week 10. Only two weeks to go now. I'm impatient and sad at the same time.
Gratulations on the assignment, but unfortunately it looks as if we'll be saying goodbye blue sky for the weekend :-(
Well, today was pretty nice, weather-wise. Not that I was in Wellington or anything.
Gray and rainy in Johnsonville.
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