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Friday, July 31, 2009

You've got a lot of nerve

Ascent: decided the new hard drive was "a misship" and asked me to send it back. Implied that I would get a power supply if I did so.

Micro: assignment due in 3 weeks. Looks fun.

Modelling: assignment due in 12 days. Time consuming.

Metrics: problem set "due" (but not very formally) on Thursday. I need to do this to get a grip on what's happening in class.

Macro: the article for the referee report was posted this morning. It's due in 20 days. When I asked why the article couldn't be posted earlier, I was told to be grateful for having almost three weeks, because Dr Macro usually gives her students only two weeks for this assignment. I disbelieve. It's a major piece of work if it's done properly.

Dr Macro went overtime yesterday by 35 minutes without indicating that she would do so, nor apologising when she did. She keeps making remarkably stupid errors of notation. She speaks so loudly it hurts the ears. She gives no indication of the purpose of each lecture. Students groan when they mention her name.

Far from being intellectually drained, as I should be after two lectures in one day, it looks like I'm doomed to arrive home on Thursdays frustrated and fizzing with anger.

1 comment:

Agnitio said...

get out while you still can, I wish I had!

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