24 August 2009 20:08
Hi Prof Modelling,
After handing in my assignment this afternoon, I realised I made a silly mistake with the nominal GDP figure at the top of page 4. Specifically, I omitted three zeros when I typed out the value of GDP...
The fact that Prof Modelling decided to accept this email as part of my assignment doesn't change the fact that I did a fairly shoddy job of the whole assignment.
I never pretend to be perfect, and this is why.
I hate that sinking feeling you get when you hand something in only to realize you've made a trivial error. Pet theory: three orders of magnitude out is more common than two orders of magnitude out.
I'm inclined to agree with you there. In this case, the error arose from reading a number out of a column denominated in "$ millions". You never see anything denominated in "$ ten thousands" or "$ 100 millions" - only powers of multiples of three. I guess it's the way we're taught to read large numbers in primary school.
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